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St. Kate’s Virtual Bookstore is the textbook ordering system from St. Catherine University and BNC designed to offer students an easy, seamless, price-competitive and direct-ship service for your textbook needs.
How It Works
- Free Standard Shipping with a $49.99 Purchase! Ship your order directly to your home or ship it to the campus store and pick it up there!
You can select between the available options of physical (new or used if available), rental, and e-book formats!
Communication will come to your St. Kate’s email account. Be sure to check it often for order updates and information regarding your textbooks for upcoming terms!
St. Kate’s Virtual Bookstore Advantages
- Competitive Pricing
- More Buying Options
- Easy Billing to Your Student Account
- Transparent Buyback Terms
Our textbook provider, BNC Services, is one of the largest textbook providers in the country, and their collective buying power ensures low prices for our students.
St. Kate’s Virtual Bookstore offers a wide array of options for nearly every textbook, including new and used, e-books and book rental services.
Textbook orders can be billed to your student account! To do so, enter your student ID number in the appropriate area during checkout.
On books that are eligible for buyback, see and know what price will be offered at the end of the semester WHEN YOU PLACE YOUR ORDER. No more waiting, hoping and guessing!